Speeding Ticket NY

Fix My Ticket!

How much will a speeding ticket in New York impact your licesne? Are you in danger of losing your driving privileges, or will another ticket affect your employment?

In any of these situations and countless others, the wisest choice is to consult the Law Office of James Lynch - NY speeding ticket lawyers.

When it comes to a speeding ticket NY drivers know that a single driving infraction can be a huge headache. The paperwork alone is confusing enough. But then there is the steep financial impact from taking time off from work for multiple court appearances, plus fines, surcharges, and increased insurance premiums.

An ordinary ticket is more than just a minor problem.

What you need is an attorney with the right kind of legal experience to save you time and money, and who will use his experience to minimize these problems and penalties.  The attorneys at the Law Office of James Lynch will work to reduce the charges, and in some cases, get your tickets dismissed.

It is important that you hire a traffic ticket lawyer NY who understands speeding ticket issues. At this firm, our lawyers know and work well with the court clerks, judges, and the prosecutors.

Let them put their skill, knowledge, and years of earned good will to work for you.

How Much Is a Speeding Ticket in NY?

One of the top concerns on most people's minds when they get a ticket is, "How much does a speeding ticket cost NY drivers?"

The answer may depend on a number of factors. Anyone who is convicted on a speeding charge in New York will face a fine that ranges anywhere from $45 up to $600.

Generally – the higher your charged speed – the higher the fine imposed by the court.

If you get caught speeding between 1 and 10 miles per hour over the speed limit, courts can impose fines between $45 and $150.

Charged with 11 to 30 miles per hour over the speed limit, courts can impose fines between $90 and $300.

For speeds 31 miles an hour or more over the speed limit, courts can impose fines between $180 and $600.

For people with recent traffic convictions, your out of pocket costs can be even worse with $150 to $375 in additional penalties.

Surcharges for Texting or Calling While Driving
Don't Forget Surcharges

NY state imposes surcharges on top of any fine you have to pay. Surcharges are outside of the judge’s control and are mandatory taxes that NY collects on every traffic ticket.

Additionally, if you accumulate six or more points on your license, NY imposes a yearly Driver Assessment Fee. For six points, NY imposes a $300 fee and an additional $75 for each point above six.

Speeding Ticket New York
Driver's License Points Add Up

If you are convicted for driving between 1 and 10 mph over the speed limit, the NY State DMV assesses three points to the driver's license.

A conviction of speeding between 11 and 20 mph over the posted limit will impose four points.

Six points are assessed upon a conviction between 21 and 30 mph over the limit.

For convictions of 31 to 40 mph, 8 or 11 points are imposed on your license, respectively.

The DMV uses this point system to identify high-risk drivers. In addition to a Driver Assessment Fee, your insurance company will likely increase your premium or even terminate your coverage.

Car Insurance Premiums Skyrocket
Car Insurance Premiums Skyrocket

Yet another cost associated with a speeding ticket is an insurance premium increase.

Insurance companies routinely review how many points you have on your record. Even one relatively minor speeding ticket can be responsible for a dramatic increase in the rates that you pay for insurance.

It is not uncommon for one speeding ticket to cause a 30% increase in the cost of automobile insurance premiums.

When packaged with all of the other fines/taxes/fees that are associated with a NY speeding ticket, the Law Office of James Lynch encourages you to do everything they can to avoid pleading guilty.

Fight a New York Speeding Ticket

Too many New York drivers mistakenly believe that simply paying the fine is the best way to deal with a speeding ticket. They regard the situation as just an irritating inconvenience. The sooner they can finish with it, the better.

This is an inadvisable approach for many reasons.

Paying the fine on a speeding ticket is the same as pleading guilty. The police and the justice system want you to do this because it makes their jobs much easier.

Plus, most drivers just don't realize that they actually have a choice. They don't have to just pay the fine, which means being subject to points on their license, increased insurance premiums and having to pay all sorts of surcharges and fees.

Drivers also may not consider the larger consequences of having more points assessed on their driving record. When too many points accumulate in an 18-month period, then the driver's license may be suspended or revoked.

How inconvenience would your life become if you couldn't legally get behind the wheel?

Also, consider this: Is your employment in some measure based on you holding a valid driver's license or CDL? If so, then a suspended or revoked license may mean that you'll soon be looking for a new job.

When you consider all of the consequences that come from pleading guilty to a speeding ticket, it becomes clear that you need to find an alternative.

Find a NY Traffic Ticket Lawyer to Help

With fines, surcharges, increases in insurance premiums and more, it's clear that a speeding ticket easily can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Avoiding these costs makes the idea of fighting the charges look tempting.

However, you may be worried about how much time that will take.

It is true that fighting a speeding ticket can be time-consuming. You'll have to appear in court at least once, and that's never convenient. Taking time off of work, finding a babysitter and just physically getting to the court are all enough to induce a headache.

Fortunately, you have the option of hiring a New York speeding ticket attorney. Once this is done, you can relax, knowing that the matter is in the hands of a seasoned legal professional who can handle the whole thing for you.

That's right. Your attorney can even appear in court on your behalf.

In most cases, a skilled and qualified attorney may be able to get a speeding ticket reduced or dismissed. Many courts are willing to reduce a speeding ticket down to a non-moving violation. Downgrading a ticket to a charge such as the failure to obey a traffic control device may still add a couple of points to your license, but it's far less costly than a speeding ticket.

It may be possible for your attorney to help you to avoid fines, surcharges and points. That means that your insurance premiums aren't likely to go up either.

Should You Fight a Ticket Without a Lawyer?

This is rarely a good idea. If you're really serious about fighting that ticket, then it's just sensible to get a professional to provide assistance. Keep in mind that judges and the police are experts when it comes to traffic court. They know the law, and they can be very adept at tripping you up.

This means that you may find yourself admitting to things that you never intended to admit. They could have you confused over your own words as they deliberately misinterpret your statements.

It's also worth noting that traffic court isn't like the criminal court cases that are depicted on television and the movies. A defendant in criminal court may be able to plead that they didn't know that what they did was wrong, but that argument doesn't work in traffic court.

It simply doesn't matter whether or not the driver was aware of the posted speed limit. The only evidence the court needs is the fact that the police said that the driver was traveling at excessive speeds.

It isn't even effective for the driver to argue that they had a good reason for speeding.

This is why it's critical for people to have a NY speeding ticket attorney working for them.

New York Speeding Tickets Facts

Upon first glance, a speeding ticket looks like a really complicated document. Many drivers have a hard time deciphering what they're charged with and what their next steps are.

Let's take a closer look at a typical New York speeding ticket to learn more.

This first section of the ticket includes information about the driver. Basic data like the driver's name, address and the type of car they are driving is included here. You'll also find the ticket number in this space.

Below this is the section where the charges are explained. This area identifies the law that the driver allegedly violated. Also found here are the police officer's information and the date and location of the incident.

The third section is critical as it contains the court information and the plea deadline. In addition to the name and address of the pertinent court, this section tells you how to make a plea. Typically, a plea may be made either by mail or in person. A strict deadline is imposed for entering a plea.

In the fourth section, the driver has the opportunity to plead guilty. It is rarely advisable to go this route, even if the driver thinks that they actually may be guilty. Pleading not guilty at this time merely ensures that you can get a trial date at a later time. If necessary, you can change your plea in court.

Accordingly, this section also gives you the opportunity to plead not guilty. This gives you the chance to strike a plea bargain or go to trial.

Questions about New York Speeding Tickets

The court regards it as the responsibility of the driver to ensure that any speeding tickets that they receive are resolved. In general, the driver receives a single notification of their court date, which they are encouraged to keep in mind. After hiring an attorney, then all you need to do is to stay in contact with your attorney for updates.

Some drivers think that they can just ignore tickets, but that's never a good idea. If a driver fails to respond or appear, then the court tells the DMV to suspend the driver's license. If your license is suspended, then you'll have to pay a $70 fee for each ticket that led to the suspension.

It is possible for points to remain on the driver's license for as long as four years, which is the approximate length of time that the conviction stays on the driver's record.

The good news is that once 18 months have elapsed since the violation, the points are no longer included in the total number of points that are counted for license suspension or collection of the Driver Responsibility Assessment.

Many drivers mistakenly believe that taking a DMV driver safety class will lead to the removal of points from their record. This is not the case. However, passing such a course may increase the points required for suspension by up to four. thereby preserving driving privileges.

If you've received a speeding ticket, contact a NY speeding ticket lawyer for a free review of your case. It may be possible to have the charges against you reduced or dropped.